Results for 'Diethnes Kentron Anthropistikon Klassikon Ereunon'

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    Kentron, 14 (1998): Dionysos et l'énigme des Bacchantes.Isabelle Tassignon - 1999 - Kernos 12:310-311.
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  2. Platōnismos kai Aristotelismos kata ton Plēthōna: meletes apo to Diethnes Symposio Spartēs, 26-28 Septemvriou 1985.George Gemistus Plethon (ed.) - 1987 - Athēna: Hidryma Ereunēs kai Ekdoseōn Neoellēnikēs Philosophias.
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    D. N. Koutras: Ἡ ᾚοινωνικὴ Ἠθικὴτοῖ Ἀριστοτέλους: i. Pp. xii+189. Athens: Ethnikon Kentron ᾚοινωνικῶν Ἐρευνῶν, 1973. Paper, $7. [REVIEW]Pamela M. Huby - 1975 - The Classical Review 25 (2):314-314.
  4.  37
    James Scott Petre, Crusader Castles of Cyprus: The Fortifications of Cyprus under the Lusignans, 1191–1489. Nicosia: Kentro Epistēmonikōn Ereunōn, 2012. Pp. xxvi, 433; 105 color figures and 23 maps and plans. $40. ISBN: 9789963081271. [REVIEW]Luca Zavagno - 2014 - Speculum 89 (1):228-230.
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    Inscriptions du sanctuaire de la Mère des Dieux autochtone de Leukopétra (Macédoine) (review).Elizabeth A. Meyer - 2002 - American Journal of Philology 123 (1):136-140.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 123.1 (2002) 136-140 [Access article in PDF] P. M. Petsas, M. B. Hatzopoulos, Lucrèce Gounaropoulou, and P. Paschidis, eds. Inscriptions du sanctuaire de la Mère des Dieux autochtone de Leukopétra (Macédoine). Meletemata 28. Athens: Kentron Ellenikes kai romaikes archaiotetos ethnikon idryma erevnon, 2000. 365 pp. Cloth, price not stated. The Macedonian sanctuary of the Autochthonous Mother of the Gods at Leukopetra, near Beroia, was (...)
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  6.  60
    Centre-piece.Sarah Wood - 2009 - Theory and Event 12 (1).
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Centre-pieceSarah Wood (bio)πoν σoν θαvατɛ τo κɛντρoν πoν σoν αδη τo νıκoςO death where is thy sting? O grave where is thy victory?- St. Paul, 1st Letter to the Corinthians… on dit en anglais, self-centred. En vérité je rêve depuis toujours d’écrire un texte self-centred, je n’y suis jamais arrive, je tombe toujours sur les autres, cela finira par se savoir.- Jacques Derrida, ‘Mes chances’The word exists, therefore the (...)
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